ESG reporting

In line with the Group’s strategy, Amber Beverage Group took the decision to enforce a sustainability element to underline responsible citizenship and foster long-term value growth. ABG managers from multiple locations and cultures have provided their views in terms of priorities for the Group’s sustainability agenda in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).

By providing a comprehensive and widely applicable framework for sustainability reporting, we support responsible investing and targeted policymaking. The GRI Standards enable any organization to understand and report on their impacts on the economy, environment, and people in a comparable and credible way, thereby increasing transparency on their contribution to sustainable development. In addition to companies, the Standards are highly relevant to many stakeholders, including investors, policymakers, capital markets, and civil society. The GRI Standards represent global best practice for reporting publicly on a range of economic, environmental, and social impacts. Sustainability reporting based on the Standards provides information about an organization’s positive or negative contributions to sustainable development.

As using the GRI Standards helps to determine what topics are material, two key elements were identified within ABG for the sustainability agenda: one is either imposed by regulation or market practices, and the other is based on further development in such areas as work safety, compliance, and environment. There was a common understanding that key elements of the sustainability agenda, such as work safety, compliance, anti-money laundering and sanctions regulations, labelling and marketing, pollution reduction, non-discrimination, and human rights, represent the cornerstones of ABG’s sustainability agenda and were evaluated as already being in place whilst requiring continuous improvement.

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