Formed in 2004, Amber Beverage Austria (previously Mountain Spirits) is based in the Tirol region of Austria, from which it covers all of the on- and off-premise nationally and where it also operates a specialty division that focuses on wholesale to the Alps. The company has expanded its product range with well-known brands, exceptional premium and interesting products from many countries. Amber Beverage Austria’s highly motivated and professional team has over many years built a reputation as an exciting and reliable partner to the wholesale and retail trade as well as for the important players in the on-trade business in Austria. The company joined joined the Amber Beverage Group in December 2019.

Key facts


volume, 9Lcs


revenue, EUR


brands and products



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Amber Beverage Austria is the first step in ABG's development of its reach into the D-A-CH region (Germany-Austria-Switzerland). The company is based in the West End, the heart of Austria's tourist destination, from which it covers on- and off-premise customers nationally. The company has a well-balanced distribution structure between on- and off-trade with reliable support from international brand partners to specialised players in the domestic market.

Gewerbepark, In der Au 2, A-6341 Ebbs/Kufstein, Austria
+43 (0) 5372 / 71477 – 0
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